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Case 1200: The Traction King


Ryan Roossinck

March 27, 2025


Case 1200 Traction Kings listed on Tractor Zoom

In my opinion, the Case 1200 isn’t a real handsome tractor. It’s rather oddly-proportioned, somehow managing to be tall but at the same time, short and stubby as well. It’s just a weird shaped machine, from where I’m sitting. However, over the years I’ve come to like these strange little tractors. For whatever reason, they remind me a lot of Beaker, the goofy little guy from the Muppets.

I like ’em for more than just the passing resemblance to Beaker, though. I think tractors that were pioneers of one thing or another are pretty neat, and they deserve more than a footnote in history. So let’s talk about that for a few minutes. Most of the photos you’ll see in this article are of a pair of Case 1200s selling on a C.A. Tesch auction in Brillion, WI on April 1st, 2025.

Keeping up with the Joneses…

The sixties weren’t just about muscle tractors and the horsepower wars. Before the late-sixties boom of row-crop 2WDs, another revolution was brewing—the rise of 4WDs. As farming evolved, so did the equipment, and some of these new, heavier-duty implements pushed 2WD row crops to their limits. You could load up a 4020 or an 806 with all the weight in the world, but at some point, traction would still be an issue. Even aftermarket front-wheel assist axles could only do so much. It was becoming clear that the future of serious farm power belonged to 4WDs.

Companies like Wagner and Steiger led the charge, while industry giants like IH and John Deere quickly followed. Some fared better than others, but they all knew the game was changing. J.I. Case wanted in, too—but instead of following the herd, they decided to take a different approach.

John Deere’s first foray into the 4WD market was largely unsuccessful, for more reasons than just the Spicer transmission that failed. Deere only built about 100 of them, and all but one were recalled for fixes. (Photo: Ryan Roossinck)

The problem with most early 4WD tractors wasn’t horsepower—they had plenty of that. The issue was that they were massive, cumbersome, and came with a jaw-dropping price tag. Take John Deere’s 8010/8020, for example. Rated at 215 horsepower, it tipped the scales at a hefty 20,000 pounds and stretched out to a 120-inch wheelbase. That was a monster of a machine for 1960. And if its size didn’t intimidate farmers, the price sure did. The 8010 came with a sticker price of $33,000—eight times the cost of a brand-new 4010! Other 4WD tractors of the time weren’t much better, all carrying the same combination of brute force and budget-breaking expense.


From Case’s perspective, the first wave of 4WD tractors had one big problem—they were too much of everything. Too big, too heavy, too expensive. Sure, there were some BTO-types with deep pockets who could justify them, but they were few and far between. That left a huge gap in the market, and they saw an opportunity in that gap. If they were going to build a 4WD tractor, it wouldn’t be a giant—it would be something practical that could take full advantage of the implements that were available right now. Basically, a tractor that fit the needs of farmers who needed more traction but not at the cost of size and affordability.

In my opinion, that approach was classic Case. It seems to me that they had always focused on building practical machines with the right balance of features and affordability. Rather than reinventing the wheel, they stuck to their playbook—using proven parts and components already on the shelf to keep costs in check. Their goal wasn’t to build the biggest 4WD on the market. It was to build the right one.

So, in 1963, they took stock of what they had available, and went to work.

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The Case 1200 wasn’t the biggest or the baddest–and it was never meant to be. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)

Off the shelf innovation

Rather than designing a four-wheel-drive tractor from the ground up, Case took a more economical route with the 1200 Traction King by repurposing components already in production. The chassis came from the W-12 Terraload’r, a machine built for industrial and construction use. This gave the 1200 a solid but reasonably sized frame, making it a good fit for farmers who needed more traction without moving up to a massive machine. Under the hood, Case used its own 451 cubic-inch, turbocharged six-cylinder diesel engine, rated at around 120 PTO horsepower. A six-speed Clark transmission and Clark axles completed the drivetrain, keeping things simple and functional.

The Case 1200 was built on a rigid frame, but they knew traditional front-wheel steering alone wouldn’t be ideal for a four-wheel-drive tractor. To address that, they introduced a hydraulic four-wheel steering system. Operators could choose from four modes: standard front-wheel steering, rear-wheel steering via a lever or pedal, coordinated front and rear steering, or crab steer. This gave the tractor more flexibility in tight spots, and from what I’ve seen, it was one of the earliest tractors to offer a system like this.

Flirtin’ with disaster…

J.I. Case 1200 hood
The Case 1200 was a good tractor, but it wasn’t perfect. At the end of the day, turbocharging the 451 turned out to be a recipe for problems over the long haul. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)

The 1200 wasn’t without its flaws. To keep costs down, Case had to make some trade-offs, and the biggest was the engine. Originally, the 451 wasn’t designed for a turbocharger, and the engineers knew it could cause issues. Indirect-injected engines like the 451 don’t like turbos. Force-feeding air into the combustion chamber tends to mess with the spray pattern, making the motor run hotter than it should (and causing a littany of other issues). But when they proposed a naturally aspirated version with 105 horsepower, Marketing pushed back. “If we’re doing this, it has to make at least 120,” they insisted.

So, despite their concerns, the engineers modified the engine to hit the target. In hindsight, twisting the 451’s tail as tight as they did wasn’t the best call. It ran hot and had durability issues. Case even installed a pyrometer on the dash and added a warning decal about excessive exhaust temperatures—clear signs that heat was a real concern. The hot-running engine problem never did get fixed, though; not until the 1470 went into production with a direct-injected 504.

J.I. Case 1200 with an Egging cab.
The other trade-off that Case made for a rapidly-developed tractor was the lack of a cab. There was never a factory-built cab option, and I’m sure that this hurt sales. Over time, several manufacturers began offering options, though, and occasionally you’ll see them today with a cab from the likes of Egging or Crenlo. This tractor wears one from Egging. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)


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Despite the rush to market, which most companies try to avoid (for obvious reasons), the Case 1200 sold reasonably well. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)

Most tractor lines typically take four or five years plus to go from concept to production-ready, but Case launched the 1200 in just over a year. The first production tractors began rolling off the assembly line in Racine in late March of 1964. It was rushed, that’s for sure, but on the other side of the coin, Case moved swiftly in order to capitalize on an underserved market.

When push came to shove, they actually sold fairly well. It was a capable tractor that was affordably priced and farmers took advantage of that. I don’t know exactly what the original sticker price was when it launched (I’ve heard numbers anywhere from $13,000-17,000), but I do know that it allowed a farmer a lot of capability for the money. It was a tractor that they could take to the field with equipment they already had, which counted for a lot. Furthermore, if optioned with a 3-point and/or PTO, it offered advantages over tractors from Versatile and others.

All tolled, workers built 1,549 of the Case 1200 between mid-1964 until they were phased out of production in mid-1969. They were very popular in Montana and Wyoming as well as the upper Midwest, and that’s where we tend to see them when they come up on auctions today. Over time, there were a few changes during the production run, most notably being the change of transmissions from a 6-speed to an 8-speed.

So what about these two in Wisconsin? Glad you asked.

The ones you can buy next week…

These machines sell as part of a really big annual spring consignment auction hosted by C.A. Tesch in Brillion, WI; and when I say really big, I mean it. Last time I looked, there were 120 tractors listed on the sale; everything from two-cylinders to big muscle to well-optioned late-model stuff. Muscle & Classic Tractor Row are in full effect this spring–more than I remember from past lineups. Take a peek at the auction listing; there’s a lot of neat stuff on this one! At any rate, I wanted to find out a little more about these two, so I called Cyrus Wilke of C.A. Tesch this morning to ask.

The North Dakota tractor

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This open-station machine came out of a great big collection in North Dakota. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)

Not too long ago, the company was contacted about a pretty large collection of classics. The collection belonged to a farmer who, over many years, had bought the tractors that he thought were cool. Everything from Big Buds to Barn Series Steigers, lots of big-frame John Deeres, Cases like you see here, and lots more. He was a big fan of original work clothes, too; there weren’t many tractors that would’ve qualified for the Chrome Stack Club (this one is the exception rather than the rule). Most all of them were in pretty good shape mechanically, too. This Case 1200 was among them. He bought it from the original owner, and I believe it only has 7700 original hours on it. It’s a true western tractor as well; dual remotes and a wide-swing drawbar, which was pretty common for tractors sold out that direction. It runs and drives as it should, and it’s even got matching Field & Roads on it. Overall, a nice survivor!

I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see this one get close to $10,000 before the hammer falls, and for that kind of money, somebody will have a pretty neat original tractor!

The Pre-Production tractor

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Before Case went into full-scale production, they built 22 tractors to iron out any bugs on the assembly line in Racine. This is one of those tractors. (Photo: C.A. Tesch)

As I understand it, there were a total of 26 tractors built prior to Case hitting the “Go!” button on production. Four of them were prototypes and test mules, of which at least one is in Case New Holland’s permanent collection. The remaining 22 tractors were designated as pre-production/pilot tractors; they were all finished-product tractors that went down the assembly line to identify any bugs that would hamper full-scale production. This is one of those tractors. It’s not a prototype or anything, but it’s still somewhat significant in my book.

As you can see, it’s not had the easiest of lives. It has the look of a tractor that’s spent a few nights outside over its life. The Egging cab is pretty neat, but it’s taken a few impacts over the years. I believe it runs and drives, but it’ll need some repairs (the extent of which I don’t know). It’s an old tractor that appears to have had something of a hard life. Still, it’s got good bones and I’m sure that there’s somebody out there who can do something with it. If it were me, I’d probably yank the motor on principle and drop a 504 in there (which would essentially make it a 1470), clean it up and get it mechanically sound, and have a hot-rodded Case with some history behind it. I feel like it needs a 3D-printed Beaker hood ornament, too, but that’s just me…

Given the shape this tractor is in, I’ll bet you could pick this one up for a little bit of nothin’. $3-4,000 or a little more would probably do it.

Wrapping up….

Like I said in the introduction, they might not have been the prettiest tractor in history and they had some issues, they still deserve a mention in the list of groundbreaking tractors. Case saw an opportunity and went after it, which I think is admirable. Furthermore, with the four wheel steer idea, they innovated something that they stuck with for close to three decades! It even made a very brief appearance in the early 90s in a few of the big Case IH/Steiger machines! And, while it wasn’t a perfect concept, it did develop some dedicated fans; it’s not uncommon to see farm retirement auctions today with multiple big white Case crabsteer tractors on the sale bill.

Plus…I think it looks like Beaker and that makes me smile. How many other tractors can you think of that bear a more-than-passing resemblance to a Muppet?

Make it a great week! I know guys here in central Iowa are itchin’ to get back in the fields; hope you are too!

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